Injured During Business Travel: Can I File a Workers' Comp Claim?

Posted by Amy FalconJan 17, 2025

Understanding the coverage of workers' compensation for business travel injuries is a key concern for many workers. Each year, thousands of Virginians are injured during business-related travel. Whether it's an auto accident on the way to a client meeting, a back injury while setting up a sales exhibit, or a fall at a hotel, the question remains: Are business travel injuries covered by Worker's Compensation in Virginia?

The answer is—it depends. If an employee is injured during business-related activities, the injury is likely covered by workers' compensation. However, if the employee is injured during personal activities, the injury will likely not be covered, even if it occurred while out of town on business.


Worker's Compensation for Business Travel Injuries

Business-related travel injuries fall into the following types:

·      Overnight travel. This type of business trip involves traveling out of town and staying at least one night. Workers' compensation likely covers injuries during this type of business trip. But if an employee decides to take personal time at the end of a business trip to sight-see and have fun, an injury during this time will likely not be covered.

·      Travel during business day. Some workers travel from client to client during a typical business day. It is likely covered if the injury occurs while traveling to a business activity or appointment. If the workers are done and are traveling to their homes at the end of the day, an auto accident at that point is less likely to be covered.

·      Traveling to or from work. Workers' compensation typically does not cover commutes to and from work from home.

Whatever business travel you are on, it is essential to understand that you may also have a personal injury claim against other parties.

Workers' Compensation vs. Personal Injury Claims

It's important to note that the interplay between workers' compensation and personal injury claims is complex. If you're injured due to another driver's negligence while on business, you'll have both a workers' compensation claim and a personal injury claim. Navigating these claims can be challenging, so hiring an experienced attorney who can handle both is crucial.

If you've been injured during business travel, don't hesitate to contact Ackerman & Falcon with your questions and concerns. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to fighting for you. Call us today at (703) 288-1400 or schedule a free consultation online.