Even a small car crash may feel shocking and distressing, but it's easier to handle when you know what to expect afterwards. For example, understanding the role insurance plays in recovery could help you stay grounded and focused in an emergency situation like this.
Perhaps the most important question right afterward is whether you or the other driver is responsible for paying a deductible. The answer is here!
If You're at Fault
Imagine that you are the indisputable cause of a car accident. If you're fully insured, your insurance company will pay to repair any damages done to both cars, but you only pay your own deductible. The other driver would handle their own deductible in accordance with their insurance policy.
If the Other Driver is at Fault
Now let's say that the other driver caused the accident. Since you wouldn't pay for their deductible in the first scenario, you can safely assume that they wouldn't be responsible for yours in this one.
If fully insured, the other driver's insurance would cover your vehicle's repairs as much as their policy allows. They would also pay for a rental car if yours takes a while to fix. Either way, you would not have to pay a deductible.
Of course, if you need to get your car back on the road faster than that, you could file a claim with your insurer and pay a deductible after all. Later, the other driver's insurer would reimburse your insurer.
However, if the other driver is uninsured or underinsured and cannot pay out of pocket, your own insurance company might have to handle your bills. Alternatively, you could take the other driver to court.
Are You Navigating Insurance Claims From a Car Accident?
Every driver and situation is unique. It's not always clear who's at fault, what the insurance payouts should look like, or whether you should sue the other driver. If you're concerned about being treated fairly by the insurance companies and courts, schedule a consultation with Ackerman & Falcon by calling (703) 288-1400 or filling out our online contact form.
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